Young People's Theater Co.
Young Writers Competition Sponsored by
Friends of YPT & The Parent Support Group
Write a review of 300 words or less on a performance of PeterPan
from March 4th 2005 through March 19th 2005
The closing date for the competition is March 20th 2005
Please complete the following and attach it to your entry. If possible include the ticket stub of the show reviewed:
Name: .......................................................................
Address: ........................................................................
Age & DOB: ......................................
Date and time of show reviewed: ...................
Deliver entries by hand to the competition box in the front office at Kirk Community Center or send by e-mail to: no later than 3/20/05
Entry forms can be requested by e-mail from or can be picked up at Kirk Community Center
Entry requirements:
Participants must have seen the performance they are reviewing. There will be three categories:
Under 10 Under 14 Under 18
The decision of the judges is final
Certificates, signed by Councillor Yeager with the official City seal will be presented. Winners will receive gift cards. All reviews that make the final list will be published on the website at
Please direct all enquiries to:
Rosemary Marks: contact e-mail (